What Is A Tripwire Funnel? An Essential Marketing Skill
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What Is A Tripwire Funnel
What Is A Tripwire Funnel
That is one of the questions that will be answered in this article.
Have you ever been on the fence about buying something?
Although you learn that you can get something cheap as an introductory offer in most cases.
A perfect example is that a lot of marketing funnels will offer a inexpensive item upfront.
such as a one-dollar course or some other item to grab you so they can offer you something more expensive down the line.
well this is a trip wire.
I remember when I first started learning about affiliate marketing.
The first course I was interested in allowed me to sign up for three days for only one dollar.
So I did and then it gradually offered me more options to purchase from him .
Such as a lifetime membership or upgraded membership and other enticing offers that gradually cost more money.
By the time you reached all of the offers available.
It would have cost me $997 for everything.
And it all started with the initial $1 offer upfront.
Now you know that Offering a tripwire is extremely powerful.
And effective when creating marketing funnels for your product or service.
How would you like a 25 to 40% increase in your sales?
That’s the real benefit of using tripwire marketing.
Now that you know What Is A Tripwire Funnel.
Read to the end to discover some ideas to inspire you to create your own tripwire.
Tripwire Ideas And Examples
First idea: You can incentivize your audience on all sorts of products.
One example is to offer 10 items for one dollar.
Then sign up for membership to your website or mailing list.
I saw a clever marketing funnel where the company offered 100 PLR products for only $9.95.
Then it would cost $19.97 per month after the introductory offer.
I’d receive 50 more PLR for that price every month until I cancel.
Awesome way to earn a recurring income on a digital product.
Second idea: Offer Something Free
If you have an e-commerce store selling physical items you can offer free shipping or a free item to entice the customer to you as an introductory offer that will intrigue them.
This gets your foot in the door.
Now you can upsell on other items.
Third Idea: Offer alignment with other content.
This works great with marketing funnels.
Let’s see you have a course that is $497.
And to create interest you offer a portion of the tripwire at a much lower price let’s say $9.95.
Before selling your product you can spend time gathering an email list.
Then you can offer a tripwire to those on your list and earn revenue from this idea.
Imagine you get 1000 emails with the lead magnet.
The next steps are the tripwire potentially 10% of your customers will purchase at the $9.95 price and then onto your main offer at $497.
A certain percentage will pay for the final upsell.

Do Tripwires Work?
Studies show that people who purchase tripwires were up to 10 times more likely to purchase the main offer.
You see when you have a trip where you’re delivering value for a little money and eventually it becomes easier for the customer to spend more money on your product later on.
Russell Brunson is one of the best at creating tripwires in his Clickfunnels products.

Thanks for reading this article on what is a tripwire funnel.
Tripwire funnel is a very useful skill and should be master if you want to increase your sales online.
The tripwire is an invitation to your customer to make a small purchase from you that is offered immediately.
It’s best to do this after they opt in and increase core offer purchases.
An e-book is one example of a good starting point to create your very own tripwire or create some courses that offer value upfront.
What are your thoughts on tripwire marketing?
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