Wealthy Affiliate- My Review And Experience
- Written by admin
Anyone that would like to earn money from home would most likely search on Google or Youtube and if they did would find many ways to do this.
My introduction to wealthy affiliate was on Youtube. At the time I just watched a few videos from members of their community that was showing demos of the program.
I wasn’t sold on it at the time right out the gate because I was also looking at so many other programs to earn money online too.
Everything had its pluses and minus and it was difficult to make a decision without actually becoming a member of them.
I decided to narrow down my search by looking into programs that have a free trial or very low fee so I could try it out before making payments.
It’s overwhelming because you get pulled into so many directions. As a newbie, I really didn’t know too much about affiliate marketing.
All I really wanted was the best way for a beginner to learn affiliate marketing and earn a full-time living from it.
Unfortunately, I selected an affiliate program that really scammed me good.
I mean it was so bad because it cost me a lot of time, money, and was such a bad experience it was almost enough to make me throw in the towel and give up before ever making a dime online.
As a beginner, you are a BIG TARGET for a lot of Guru types that are only out to make money off your ignorance.
These gurus are the ones that give affiliate marketers a bad name and hurt the industry.
That’s why if you are reading my review of Wealthy Affiliate I’m only giving it so that you will be able to avoid some of the mistakes I made in the beginning before finding W.A.
And find out if Wealthy Affiliate is the right choice for you before signing up. There are definitely pros and cons to every program out there.
Fortunately, I didn’t give up on learning how to earn money from home because it’s very rewarding and it sure beats working for a 9-5!
After making the wrong choice I decided to take another look at Wealthy Affiliate and signed up for their free trial.
Immediately it was a much better experience than the previous program I signed up for. I received many friendly greetings from other members welcoming me to Wealthy Affiliate.
And everyone was very willing to give their help and advice which was refreshing because I didn’t get this in the past.
Another good sign is that a lot of the members were long term members that have been Wealthy Affiliate for several years.
If you are a member of anything for a number of years that usually means you enjoy it and find it to be a valuable way to invest your money.
As you continue reading you’ll learn what it’s like to be a member of Wealthy Affiliate and how you can get started for Free.
I’ll also go over what I liked and didn’t like about Wealthy Affiliate.
When you finish reading this post i’m sure you will either become a member or at least have a better understanding of what it’s all about.
Either way I hope you enjoy it and if you do please share this post with anyone you know that would be interested in learning how to earn money online or blogging.
Thank You ☺️
What is Wealthy Affiliate?
Wealthy Affiliate is an online business website that teaches It’s members how to earn passive income from their computer.
They have over 100K members that are all learning at various levels and helping each other to succeed.
One of the things I really like about Wealthy Affiliate is that they will allow you to sign up for FREE.
It’s not just a sign up that doesn’t give you anything either.
You receive all of the following with your Free membership:

Let’s recap ALL of the following for FREE:
- Live Help – First 7 Days
- 2 Websites
- Website Backup
- Beginner Training Course
- Personal Affiliate Blog
- Affiliate Bootcamp Training – Phase 1 Only
- Video Walk-Throughs
- Keyword Research Tool – 30 Searches
- Training Classrooms – 2
- Affiliate Program
- 1-on-1 Coaching – First 7 Days
If you have never set up a website before or blogged, but always wanted to learn this will be fun for you.
Your training starts with all of the necessary steps to set up your website and how to use it to earn a passive income online.
The training is step by step so even a total beginner to anything online can easily complete each training without feeling lost or overwhelmed.
Each training session is in the form of a video that will show you how to complete each step and you can also read the steps if you prefer.
By the end of your free training on Wealthy Affiliate, you will have built a brand new website from scratch and learned the basics of running an online business.
You will definitely know by the end of your free training if Wealthy Affiliate is right for you or not. If not, no harm, it cost you nothing and you gained some knowledge and a cool new website that you built yourself.
If you decide you want to go to the next level and invest in the premium Wealthy Affiliate membership you will get all of the following:
- Live Help – Unlimited
- Private Messaging – Unlimited
- 50 Websites
- Website Security Package
- Website Backup
- Beginner Training Course – Full Access
- Personal Affiliate Blog
- Affiliate Bootcamp Training – All Phases (7)
- Live Video Classes
- Video Walk-Throughs
- Keyword Research Tool – Unlimited Searches
- Training Classrooms – 2
- Affiliate Program – 2x Higher Payout
- Earn While You Learn
- 1-on-1 Coaching – Unlimited
- Private Access to Webinars
- 24/7/365 Website Support
- Website Feedback Platform
- Website Comment Platform
- Website Analysis

Wealthy Affiliate premium memberships pay for itself over and over again and offer tools you need to be successful online.
The following tools that stand out to me as most valuable…
…and are included but if you were to purchase them separately would cost a lot more than your premium membership to Wealthy Affiliate.
Keyword Research Tool With Unlimited Searches
This alone is worth the investment to Wealthy Affiliate
Here is what you would pay for a keyword research tool with KW
Website Security Package
Here is the cost for website security from Astra
Live Video Classes
As a premium member, you will receive consistent training that is current with today’s technology and trends to keep your business online running smoothly and give you the advantage over your competition.
The classes vary in topics and on your skill level so there is something for everyone that is interested in participating in the Live Video Classes.
Yes, you can ask questions and get answers that will help your online business. Any kind of question from something simple or advanced.
Once you are a premium member you can share your success and get updates on others that have made their first $100, $1,000 and more.
It was common to read success stories with a picture of their commission checks. Some of them very BIG!
One member’s story really impacted me she posted in the dashboard area that she has been with Wealthy Affiliate for three years and was struggling to make ends meet with her full-time job.
As a single mom, she struggled to earn enough money to support her daughter and wanted to be able to take care of her daughter at home instead of paying a sitter and working a job she hated and didn’t pay very much.
So three years ago joined Wealthy Affiliate with the hope and dream to one day quit her job and earn enough money to work from home so she can spend more time with her daughter and be the mom she deserves.
She said it hurt her heart to have a sitter raising her daughter instead of her and not having enough money after working sometimes up to 60 hours a week hurt too.
Continuing on in her story she told friends and family about this too and that she was a member of Wealthy Affiliate and working on a website to earn money so she can quit her job.
She admitted they tried to talk her out of it and said it was a waste of time, wishful thinking, and a waste of money.
After that never said a word about it again… that was until she made her first commission. It was small, only enough to buy lunch, but it was proof to her that she wasn’t wasting her time and they were all wrong.
Well, she said to all of those that have felt like giving up, like all their efforts were for nothing, and were told that it wouldn’t work…
… Here’s something to keep you going.
She posted proof of her earnings.
Wow! she was now earning a consistent $8k to $11K every month
She said i’ve come a long way from earning lunch money : )
Then she explained she has quit her job and works from home on her term when she wants and she thanked Wealthy Affiliate and members for helping her get there.
At the end of her motivational story, she said that the key is to never give up and no matter what people say it can be done if you put in the hard work and effort to get there.
As a premium member, you will hear many stories like this and it is sometimes the difference between making it as a successful online business or giving up too soon and making nothing.
Of course, there is no guarantee of success that depends on you and what kind of effort, time, and persistence you put into it…
… just like anything in life really.

Wealthy Affiliate Pros and Cons?
Wealthy Affiliate Cons:
I’ll start out with what I don’t like about Wealthy Affiliate first.
As I stated earlier I think it’s perfect for beginners and even for an intermediate level of experience.
They don’t have as much training for advanced skill level. It’s probably because most of the people on Wealthy Affiliate are either a beginner or intermediate level, but I would like to see higher level training.
Wealthy Affiliate is a community and the longer you are with them the more interactions you will have with other members.
This can be good, but have it’s downside too.
I feel bad when I get asked a questions but get back to them late because I’m working on so many of my own things.
It’s not really bad per se just something that bothers me.
You can be working on your website and receive messages fro other members that keep adding up as you are too busy to get back to everyone as quickly as you would like.
Wealthy Affiliate Pros:
From the day you sign up for the Free membership, you find out quickly that the training is top notch and that if you can get this kind of training for Free the Premium membership must be excellent too.
The value you receive for Free is amazing, but it continues as you become a Premium member.
Some affiliate programs just hook you with a good Freebie then once you start to make payments let you down with useless our outdated methods that no longer work.
Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t bait and switch its members to make a quick buck. You feel a sense that they really care about you becoming successful.
The training was just what I needed as a beginner. I had no clue about building a website or creating posts for a blog when I first started.
In a short amount of time, you will learn all of the essential skills to turn someone you love to go into a business that can earn you a full-time living.
The return on investment is where you don’t feel like you are overpaying, in fact, I think they could charge more and I’d still be receiving a lot for my money.
You get all the tools you need to operate a successful business online along with training that is ongoing and current.
Lastly, I love the interaction with other Wealthy Affiliate members. It doesn’t take long to make friends that can teach you a lot about how to be successful and steer you away from what doesn’t work.
Watch the testimonial Of Wealthy Affiliate Member Below:

Who Should Join Wealthy Affiliate?
If you remember earlier in this post I was telling you about all the Gurus you will come across when you are researching a place to learn how to earn money from home.
A lot of these Gurus will tell you how quickly you will earn money and how easy it is to make money online if you just sign up for their program and follow their methods.
In most cases it’s all B.S.
I have been a victim of scam products and I know how much it sucks to lose money and be mislead by someone that didn’t have my best interest in mind.
So if you have been scammed in the past too and apprehensive about trying Wealthy Affiliate I understand.
If you don’t believe the hype and are looking for a legitimate way to earn money online then you should join Wealthy Affiliate.
Just don’t expect make money fast…
… this is a long game that works over time
As a beginner, it’s my #1 recommendation if you want to learn how to build a website and learn how to promote offers to a niche that is interesting to you.
Wealthy Affiliate Is For You If:
- You Are A Newbie/Intermediate
- Want to learn how to create a website
- Have a niche you are passionate about
- Enjoy learning from home
- Willing to put in the time and effort to grow a successful business
- Want to learn how to earn money online
- Don’t want to pay multiple companies for all the tools you get on W.A.
- Want Support and a community of like-minded people to interact with

Alternatives To Wealthy Affiliate
Ok, maybe after investing some time into the Wealthy Affiliate Free Training you have decided it’s not for you.
Now what?
I have purchased many different training courses and out of those some were absolute garbage and others were very valuable.
Below are my top alternatives to Wealthy Affiliate:
Although I agree Wealthy Affiliate is an excellent platform I know some people may not like it and want to know of some alternatives that are valuable.
My first recommendation super affiliate system from john crestani. This is not a community with a membership like Wealthy Affiliate.
Instead, it’s a self-paced training course that teaches you how to promote affiliate offers using various methods.
Everything you are taught gives you the proper mindset to set realistic expectations that will help you be a more successful marketer.
It won’t teach you how to build a website so it’s that’s important to you Wealthy Affiliate would be better for you.
If you like watching videos on Youtube about affiliate marketing you have probably seen videos from the next on this list.
Dan Brock The Deadbeat Super Affiliate has an inexpensive course that basically goes over in a condense format how to earn money with your website.
He teaches you how to set up your website and then touches on some methods to promote…
… some of those methods are outdated like I don’t like how he teaches buying backlinks or other black hat methods.
Overall for only $17 I feel it’s a good and simple course for a beginner.
If you want a more in-depth training then you will probably enjoy Wealthy Affiliate much better.
There are a few other courses I could recommend and may post a review on them at a later date, but those two above would be good if you are looking for alternatives to Wealthy Affiliate.
For those of you that would just like to learn as much as you can for Free sign up to our membership and you’ll receive Free training and tips to help you learn how to earn a living online.

I hope you have enjoyed this Wealthy Affiliate Review and if so please share it with anyone you know that is interested in learning how to earn money online.
The bottom line is that Wealthy Affiliate is in a class by itself for having all the tools necessary to be a successful online business owner along with first class training that you need to keep current for long term success.
If you want the Free membership just click on the link here to get started today. It really won’t cost you a thing and I think you’ll really enjoy the training from day one.
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