How To Get Paid Playing Video Games At Home Without A Degree
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How to get paid playing video games at home.
Do you love playing video games and wish you could make money doing it?
… but you worry you don’t have a degree so it’s probably just a dream.
Well, not so fast!
It’s possible to do what you love and earn a good living doing it.
In this post, you’ll discover how to get paid playing video games at home and without a degree.

The popularity of video games has created a need for new games to be tested and that’s where you come in.
Practically every day there are new games coming to the market and video game companies need these games tested for bugs and any flaws.
If you are a gamer you know how expensive video games can be…
anywhere from $40 on up to $80 and more in some cases.
Another great part of getting paid to play video games is that you can also get a lot of games for FREE.
What could be better than that?
If this sounds good to you read all the way through and you’ll be on your way to getting a job you really enjoy and have fun doing it.

A Day In The Life Of A Video Game Tester
how to get paid playing video games at home
You’ll be playing video games all day!
This is where it becomes work if you want to call it that…
Report any fixes, glitches, and bugs you come across playing each game.
Here Is A List Of Other Responsibilities As A Video Game Tester:
- compatibility
- compliance
- functionality
- localization and beta
- regression load
- locating faults that may cause crashing of the console, freezing of games, erasing of programs, or distorting visuals.
These might be things you look at already but aren’t making any money doing it.
It’s not likely you’ll get to select which games you want to play, but trying new games and playing them is all in a day in the life of a video game tester.

How Do I Qualify To Become A Video Game Tester?
how to get paid playing video games at home
To have a career as a video game tester is considered an entry-level position and a degree are not required…
… but it is recommended if you want to take this seriously and find out more about getting a degree you can find it here at
I always think it’s good to find out if you even enjoy a job before spending time and money on education and with video game testing you can do just that!
Now if you’re still interested in this opportunity you’re probably asking how much money can I make playing video games?
This is the part that actually surprised me…
According to zip recruiter the average video game tester earns $49,500 up to $105K
Not bad, right?

Where Can I Apply To Become A Video Game Tester?
how to get paid playing video games at home
The most obvious place is to check online which has a bunch of open positions for video game testers like the ones found here.
- You can get paid to Play New and Upcoming Games
- You can get paid to take online surveys and make from $5 to $75 each, or more
- You can get paid to participate in focus groups and makeup to $150 an hour
- You can get paid to try new Games, Gaming Consoles, Controllers or other products and keep the free products too!
- You can get paid to preview new movie or game trailers for $4 to $25 an hour
- You can get paid to review new Games for up to $30 an hour
These are just

My Final Thoughts On How To Get Paid Playing Video Games
How to get paid playing video games at home.
Although it’s definitely possible to
It is recommended to get a degree if you want to advance and earn more money just like with any corporate job.
There are a number of these jobs for gamers online that are entry-level and most start at $24K from what I found and have a medium income of $45K.
It would appear that to earn over $50K you will need to get an education and training that will help you earn six figures.
Overall I think this is a pretty cool job that for any gamer could be a dream come true.
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